Jobs Training Unlimited Future
Visit and search for over 1,100 jobs within Miami County. These employment opportunities range from manufacturing to distribution to health care. Find the perfect job with the perfect company or find your future job and make note of the required skills that you can acquire right here in Miami County.
Visit Edison State and Upper Valley Career Center for skills training and career pathways ranging from Advanced Manufacturing Maintenance, HVAC/R, Precision Tooling and Machining, Apprenticeships, Lean Manufacturing, CAD/CAM, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, and much more.
Visit Troy Development Council, Grow Piqua Now, and Tipp City Chamber of Commerce for a wide range of resources ranging from Talent Attraction, Workforce Development, Business Retention & Expansion, Resource Partners, Healthcare, Community Development, and much more.
Opportunity Center
Education and Training
Edison State and Upper Valley Career Center provide training and education to advance your career and Make the Connection to an Unlimited Future.
State & Regional Partnerships
Leveraging the expertise and training available through our state and regional partners, we can offer a wide array of incentives and resources to help you achieve success. Learn about our partners.